April 27, 2020

Present ‎– Live Delusions (Festival Opposition de Phase Les Arcades, France 10-16-1998)

Festival Opposition de Phase Les Arcades, France 10-16-1998

1. Delusions (15:07)
2. Alone (12:19)
3. Le Poison Qui Rend Fou, Part 2 (11:59)
4. Promenade Au Fond D'Un Canal (22:03)
5. Laundry Blues (12:38)

Bass – Jean-Pierre Mendes
Drums – Daniel Denis
Guitar, Bass, Vocals – Réginald Trigaux
Guitar, Vocals – Roger Trigaux
Keyboards – Pierre Chevalier

Tachika Records ‎– PRETLCD-096 (CD-r)

Nice quality recording if very oddly balanced. After doing some research, I found at least a couple of references that imply that this is actually taken from the DAT soundboard recording that someone nicked! The set is mostly familiar material but from a not so familiar line-up (if the cover is correct that is). ultimathulerecords

1 comment:

eletor said...

No xsists the link